
Paper and cardboard waste

Paper waste

Better separation and higher output value

Since paper and its derivatives represent a valuable raw material, reprocessing of waste paper for reuse stays on the global recycling agenda as one of the main tasks. Various sorts of waste paper comprise wrapping and packaging paper and (corrugated) cardboard, (shredded) office paper as well as discarded paper materials like old newspapers and magazines. To process those materials efficiently, a high precision and the best separation performance are crucial.

The specific purpose of a waste paper installation is to separate, sort and process printed paper and cardboard from an input stream of mixed paper. The output of this sorting process is then baled and shipped for reuse. Efficient separation is key to a higher value output, thereby increasing the quality of the end product.

Paper waste installation

Bollegraaf puts the highest quality of the end product at the very essence while designing our paper and cardboard processing equipment. At Bollegraaf we build and provide high-end turnkey installations that combine a range of effective separation technologies that will improve the quality of the output and its intrinsic value what will substantially reduce de-inking costs for your clients. Therefore, we design to fit your facility’s needs and footprint, maximizing recovery and creating value out of this challenging inbound material.


Optimizing output in terms of economic value against the lowest possible costs per ton. This is the short-term goal for every installation that Bollegraaf provides. The long-term goal is to ensure permanently low operating costs and achieve an optimal return on investment.


Key equipment for paper waste

Lubo OCC screen

Lubo OCC screen is placed at the beginning of a sorting installation. So it can separate large cardboard, This makes manual separation of large cardboard redundant.

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Opti-Sort is an integrated optical sorting unit with a patented design especially suitable for processing lightweight materials such as flexible plastic packaging or single sheets of paper.

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HBC balers

The HBC series baler is renowned for its reliability and durability, producing excellent, heavyweight bales at the lowest operational cost. You get best-in-class quality and service.

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In conversation with Kras

With a rich history of 65 years, KRAS operates internationally and collects, processes and transit trades waste flows of paper, cardboard, foils and plastics for hundreds of companies throughout Europe.


KRAS carries out these processes itself in-house or makes use of reliable partners. We are proud to say that Bollegraaf is one of those partners.

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